
WELCOME! Keep up with the production of Engineering Tragedy: The Ashtabula Train Disaster on this blog site.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

First Pre-Prodcution Meeting Scheduled

Our first preproduction meeting is set with main crew members for July 16th, 2012. We will be reviewing the script and developing our shot list. It will also help us develop a solid budget and give us an idea how many shoot days will be needed to complete the film. Patti has been developing the list of characters for the casting director and figuring out how many extras we will be needing. Len will also be exploring different costume companies for costumes rentals for extras or cast members that need them.  We are lucky that some of the people who are volunteering to be extras own their own costumes, which will be a big savings. There is still much to do before the cameras can roll, but this first preproduction meeting will be a big help in nailing down some important factors.
I'll keep you posted!


  1. If you are planning to do any scenes featuring telegraph offices, the Northwestern Pennsylvania Railroad Telegraph Company, affiliated with the Lake Shore Railway Museum in North East, Pa, has 1870's period equipment

  2. Including sounders, switchboards, keys and relays, and cloth covvered wires, as well as period telegraph forms

  3. Thanks Maureen for letting us know about this. It does not look to far from Erie, PA.
