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Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Bridge Abutments Have Arrived

Hi Folks:

I got a call from Roger Peterson last night (the day after Christmas) who informed me that the bridge abutments from Mainline Bridges arrived. As you know, it was a blizzard yesterday, so the poor truck driver had a time of it on the roads to make his delivery. But they are here and safe at the farm where our mini Ashtabula Gorge film set is located. The photos below show how they were shipped upside down so they would travel better.
Roger said the truck got stuck a few times trying to back into the driveway. I'm sure the driver was very glad to have this delivery over.

The cat in the last photo that is checking out the bridge was not part of the shipment. :-)
Thank you Mainline Bridges for your beautiful work and craftsmanship of these pieces. I am convinced there is no model railroad bridge manufacturer in the country better then Mainline.

Len Brown

1 comment:

  1. It appears that the pedestal portions of the abutments are not attached (the parts that the bridge rsted on) nor the skirt detail around the exposed legs is not there. Will these details be added?

    All that remains intact under the current bridge are the bases of the pedestals which were flattened hexagon shaped unlike the rest of the abutment structure.
